The weekly newsletter of the México Solidarity Project

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September 13, 2023/ This week’s issue/ Meizhu Lui, for the editorial team


Pope Francis blesses a photo of a child, displayed on a cellphone, at the end of a special audience with members of the Christian Workers' Movement in the Vatican on January 16, 2016. Photo: Alessandra Tarantino / AP

The Power of Cellphones: Immaterial but not Divine

Is that a “real” child inside a cellphone one who will feel the blessed touch of the Pope’s hand?  Could we pour holy water on the phone and baptize the child?  Will the Pope bless an AI-endowed “being” in the future? 

Maybe since divinity is not material, it could work. But isn’t it a wonder that there are people who believe that the pope is blessing not an electronic machine called a cellphone, not the bunch of pixels gathered by another mechanical device called a camera  but a flesh and blood human being via those devices. We are like the people in the movie The Matrix, who unknowingly live in a world of algorithms created by the overseer class  the capitalists whose principles are power, profit and control.

For the sake of convenience and connection, we willingly cede our right to control our own lives. We impatiently scroll through the fine print on Google or FaceBook, click “agree,” and presto! As invisibly as the Pope’s blessing, everything about us is released into the digital marketplace.

But not everyone has taken the blue pill of blissful ignorance. MayFirst Movement Technology members, whom we feature today, understand how these addictive  communications platforms busily gather our data 24/7. MayFirst wants, with full consciousness and intention, to engage collectively in building a different technology, one built on the best of Christian principles loving our neighbors and lifting up the poor.

To regain our autonomy, we can’t rely on divine intervention.  But we can rely on each other to make a world that is more human, not less.


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Technology serves capitalism. Can it serve us?

Jes Ciacci and Estrella Soria in México, and Melanie Bush in the US, were among the authors of a recent MayFirst report in which members use their own experiences to explain the politics and processes integral to the MayFirst cooperative.

Digital platforms are umbilical cords connecting us to everything else. How do these platforms impose corporate interests on us without our conscious knowledge?


Jes Ciacci: The current digital platforms promote a model of economic centralization. We all live in this model — it focuses on profits for a few and fails to serve the needs of the majority.

The financial basis of these platforms is opaque to most customers. For example, they tell us were getting a free” service. But if they” are a company with assets of billions, listed on the stock market, and they provide services for free, where do the billions come from?


Their profits come from monetizing our data, gathered whenever we use their platforms, then analyzed and sold to other companies. We arent human beings with our genuine need for connection and choice, we are consumers and the focus of their profit-making. Meanwhile, information technology has expanded and continues to expand — its the big engine of the neoliberal economy.

Melanie Bush: And unfortunately, they dont just serve corporate interests. Around the world, the platforms serve governments, including our so-called democracies.” Through surveillance, they suppress dissent and disable their enemies.

A well-known example — Pegasus spyware was developed in Israel and sold to governments and militaries. This set of programs looks for flaws in your computer, especially if you are active in a liberation or resistance movement. It exploits the flaws to infect programs and enable them to provide information. It's now known that Pegasus had collected the phone numbers of relatives and close friends of the murdered Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi. The business of spyware and other kinds of surveillance is huge, much more everyday than we ever see.

So is MayFirst Movement Technology developing an alternative to Google, Facebook, and other platforms that surround us?


Jes: MayFirst is not creating an alternative platform, in the sense of competing with corporate services. But it IS an alternative in the values that underpin it. MayFirst offers an option for social movements to participate in creating an infrastructure for communications technology that is based on social principles and values.


Technology is not in itself against liberation — it can serve the social movements. MayFirst builds technology based on the values of the collective good, democratic participation, respect for the abilities and humanity of each one of us

How does your collective process produce a different result, and why is May First a bi-national US/México cooperative?


Jes: The boundaries between nation states are imaginary. Unlike imperialist actors, we recognize that the US and México are integrally connected; the futures of the peoples of these two places are intertwined and interdependent.  And operating as a cooperative is a clear expression of our collectivist values.

Estrella Soria: MayFirst has around 650 members, mostly organizations based in a wide variety of struggles. Only a few are media organizations, such as the Progressive Technology Project; examples of others are Black Lives Matter, NACLA, and the Brecht Forum. Some are big, others are small and local; about 20% of the members are in México, such as La Coperacha, Sursiendo, and Tlatolli Ollin.


You don't have to be a techie to contribute to the project, including in leadership roles. The organizations all have different capacities. Levels of involvement differ as well, from developing technologies to attending monthly meetings (political education and discussion, documentation of our work, mutual support) and getting elected to our governing body.

All meetings are bilingual and we have built simultaneous translation into our free open-source video conferencing software, jitsi. Unlike other platforms, ours focuses on security.

Zoom recently announced they would use conversations on its platform for artificial intelligence training. They later released a clarifying” statement, but the truth is that proprietary software works that way — they can change terms and conditions whenever they want without warning. When they do, because its software cannot be fully reviewed, we are at the mercy of believing” that they tell the truth.

Can you explain how MayFirst’s political vision is the basis for building digital space?

Melanie:  A recent meeting of the Global Tapestry of Alternatives described social movements as territories.” We see technology as a territory that links all struggles — but it is a disputed territory. Technology affects every aspect of our lives. We must acknowledge its presence in order to avoid ceding control to the corporations that dominate digital space as thoroughly as they do physical space. This digital territory —the worldview of indigenous and rural populations understands this better —can be a space where the community is anchored and is connected to the land, to cultural expressions, to spirituality. Technology as a territory implies much more than the infrastructure itself, but it contains it.

Estrella: After Roe v. Wade, we hosted a “get the tech off my body” conversation. The struggle for digital autonomy and bodily autonomy are linked; data about your reproductive health is stored and can be misused. If you track your menstrual cycles with an app, that data can be sold (monetized) to private companies that sell women's reproductive health products. If abortion is criminalized, as it now is in several US states, data about your abortion could be used to prosecute you.

In México, many people are more likely to provide their FB address than their phone numbers when asked for how best to stay in contact. Should we extricate ourselves from these platforms? Can we?


Jes: Its a complex question. Technology continues to reproduce and deepen its role in our lives. Yet gaps in access to it remain, and we continue to be told we are choosing” the technology we want when there is no real choice at all.


In other words, you can grow wonderful fresh organic food, and thats the healthiest option. But you can also make something reasonably close to healthy with the groceries you buy at the big corporate supermarkets. The same is true with technology. What MayFirst does is like the small organic farmer — different from the corporate model, but not a replacement. Not yet!


In our lives, information technology has become a bigger and bigger factor in how we live our daily lives, and we don’t even think about it. It’s just there, and someone else is designing it.  MayFirst gives us the room to think about it. It gives us the chance to design the democratic digital territory that we want to inhabit.


Jesus Hermosillo is a Los Angeles-based Chicano independent journalist who has done extensive research on media coverage of Mexican politics. He regularly contests false narratives in mainstream US and Mexican outlets. He hosts the MSP Twitter account.

The Piece/

Last week, the Washington Post’s Mary Beth Sheridan and David Agren wrote about the women nominated for president by México’s two largest political formations ahead of next year’s elections. Xóchitl Gálvez, a businesswoman and senator for the National Action Party (PAN), is the standard-bearer for the neoliberal coalition, which includes the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI). Claudia Sheinbaum, a climate scientist and México Citys former mayor, was nominated by the left-of-center coalition that includes President López Obrador’s party, MORENA.


The Claim/

The piece is mostly well-balanced until it cites an unsubstantiated claim by political analyst and longtime AMLO critic Bárbara González, asserting that AMLO sought to swing his sizable following and political machine behind Sheinbaum in the primary.”


The Backstory/

Just hours before MORENA officials announced results from five national surveys (one conducted in-house and four by independent pollsters) that were to determine its 2024 presidential candidate, former foreign secretary Marcelo Ebrard, who came in second, pulled out of the process and demanded a do-over, citing serious irregularities favoring Sheinbaum. The Post restates rumors as if they were facts — unsupported allegations by opposition groups, and by Ebrard, suggesting the surveys were merely a ruse to disguise AMLOs personal handpicking of Sheinbaum. But though Sheinbaum is widely seen as AMLOs protégé, no credible evidence has yet emerged pointing to a rigged process. Meanwhile, the official survey results — giving Sheinbaum a double-digit lead over Ebrard in voter preference — closely match those of dozens of independent polls published for over a year.


The Bottom line/

Given the countrys long history of corruption — and the PRI’s practice over 70 years of having the President pick his own successor — many Mexicans are understandably tempted to believe even dubious accusations. People should remain skeptical, and always demand transparency, even from leaders they like. But it’s even more important that journalists refrain from printing hearsay and demand evidence to back up their sources’ claims, especially when they can be so damaging.


Given the above, it is particularly striking that the piece fails to mention the fishy machinations behind the neoliberal side’s nomination process. Though independent polls in recent weeks had shown a tight race between Gálvez and another female politician Beatriz Paredes for their coalition's nomination, the PRI's president preempted his party's internal process in late August by announcing, days before its scheduled completion, that it was backing Gálvez, long seen as his personal favorite.  


Artist/Activist Vicky Hamlin is a retired tradeswoman, shop steward, and painter. In her painting and in this column, she shines the light on the lives of working people and the world they live in.


A couple of news stories appeared this year about archeological discoveries dating from about 250-900 CE in the Central Maya Lowlands of the Yucatán peninsula.


At Ocomtún, in the state of Campeche, researchers found multiple pyramids almost 50 feet high, a ball court, three main squares, side courtyards, a road, a rectangular acropolis, and more.  Rock and earth formed and carved by hand, growing out of the soil, became a city.

Another discovery was made of stela from an ancient Maya city founded around A.D. 700 in the eastern Yucatán Peninsula. “Sculpture” doesn’t begin to describe this stela. Apparently, it is thought to represent gods and goddesses, life and death a reflection of a society’s beliefs.

Other ancient sites I have visited seem to have this same quality of organic growth, of not fighting against the planet but emerging from it. This theme of organic growth seems evident throughout these ancient cultures and their remaining archaeology.

These finds are from civilizations that rose and fell over thousands of years. The solid, stable, carefully carved rock formations were developed in a world that had time to develop, that expressed itself in an indigenous form, using indigenous materials.

“Art” was born out of the use of a thing utilitarian, spiritual, or social. These beautiful objects, like architecture or devotional pieces, grew out of their environment. “Art” was not a separate category of “product” designed to be bought and sold, but an intrinsic, natural expression of social life organic growth from the earth, as well as organic growth out of civil society.

This has made me think about long history. Our stories can reflect inaccurate, racist (white), often expropriated notions about who is entitled to what version of history in what place. North Americans will have a different POV than South Americans. At only a few hundred years old, USA society is so young, and cruelly, artificially imposed.

This window into such an ancient culture felt like a revelation. If only we could reimagine our best, fully developed selves, oh what a world we might be!


Recent news reports and commentaries, from progressive and mainstream media,
on life and struggles on both sides of the US-México border

Claudia Sheinbaum will be MORENA’s candidate for Mexican Presidential election People’s Dispatch. The left of MORENA fared well in the nomination contest, with former Mexico City mayor Claudia Sheinbaum securing the position of Defense Coordinator of the Fourth Transformation and Marxist Gerardo Fernández Noroña placing a respectable third place in a grassroots-driven campaign.


Miguel A. Romero, Recibe Claudia Sheinbaum bastón de mando a manos del presidente López Obrador De Raíz. El 1 de diciembre de 2018, el presidente López Obrador recibió de una mujer de la comunidad de Ayutla de los Libres, Guerrero, el bastón de mando con la encomienda de “Mandar obedeciendo al pueblo”.


Drazen Jorgic, US officials ignored Mexican corruption for decades during drug war, Sen. Grassley says Reuters. Ignored or aided and abetted? A handy reminder that Genaro García Luna, former top cop in the US friendly, pre-AMLO administration of Felipe Calderón, will be sentenced in the US in March, 2024.


Ofrece Xóchitl Gálvez abrir Pemex y CFE al capital privado La Jornada. Los sueños del imperialismo estadounidense encuentran voz en boca del candidato de la oposición de derecha.


Simon Romero and Emiliano Rodríguez Mega, Mexico’s Supreme Court Decriminalizes Abortion Nationwide New York Times. As progress rolls back in the United States of America, Latin America sees a regional expansion of women’s rights.


Theo Beutel, Democracia y simulacro Sentido Común. Puede a todas luces verse cómo el proceso interno de la oposición no fue sólo una simulación para colocar a Xóchitl Gálvez en la coordinación del Frente, sino que se trató de un simulacro de lo que hicieron con los procesos electorales cuando estaban en el poder


 Jarrett Renshaw and David Lawder, Biden administration moving to escalate energy trade dispute with Mexico Reuters. The hypocritical doctrine of “Bidenomics for me, but not for thee” characterizes recent US policy towards Mexican energy and corn policy.


Miguel Badillo, Berrinches, miedos y traiciones de Ebrard Contralínea. Todas esas mentiras que lanzó Marcelo encontraron fácil eco en la mayoría de los medios, con la esperanza de que de llegar a la Presidencia de la República les devolvería los miles de millones de pesos que durante décadas los gobiernos priistas y panistas les otorgaron en contratos publicitarios.


Jacob Poushter and Jordan Lippert, 6 facts about how Mexicans view the U.S. and their own country Pew Research Centre. Some 82% of Mexicans have a favorable view of President AMLO, including 45% who see him very favorably.


Petro: Somos víctimas de la política antidrogas de EU. AMLO: Ayudamos por obligación Sin Embargo. En la última jornada del foro de tres días, los presidentes de México y Colombia coincidieron en abordar el problema de las drogas con un nuevo paradigma que abarque las causas profundas que lo provocan. 


The Mexico Solidarity Project brings together activists from various socialist and left organizations and individuals committed to worker and global justice. We see the 2018 election of Andrés Manuel López Obrador as president of México as a watershed moment. AMLO and his progressive Morena party aim to end generations of corruption, impoverishment, and subservience to US interests. Our Project supports not just Morena, but all Mexicans struggling for basic rights, and opposes US efforts to undermine organizing and México’s national sovereignty.

Editorial committee: Meizhu Lui, Bruce Hobson, Courtney Childs, Victoria Hamlin, Agatha Hinman, Peter Shapiro. To give feedback or get involved yourself, please email us!

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