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AMLO, It's Time to Call Out President Biden!

Orale AMLO, es tiempo a gritar! It is time for you to speak out to team Biden, time to say Ya Basta to the Yanquis and their racist immigration policies. Back in the Trump years my stomach turned at the sight of photos of children in cages at the US-Mexico border, held in concentration camp-like conditions.


And the sight of those cages revolted not just me. Caravanas to the border protested this disgusting policy: Black Lives Matter activists, Asian Pacific Islanders, trade unionists, progressive white folks, and, of course, Chicano and Latino gentes.

Now I have asco once again, after I saw pictures of Biden’s horse-mounted Border Patrol thugs whipping Haitian immigrants. The Biden administration is even now preparing to expel 14,000 Haitians back to a country still suffering from a deadly earthquake, tropical storms, and armed militias backing a corrupt and brutal Haitian oligarchy. Andale AMLO, where’s your heart?


The administration continues to apply Title 42, the order Trump used to label asylum seekers a public health danger.” Refugees continue to be expelled — without hearings — using the same racist lie that migrants carry disease” into the US. AMLO, you need to speak up, compa!


US policy is forcing desperately poor refugees and asylum seekers out of the US into dilapidated and overcrowded migrant camps in México. There they await deportation back to the poverty and violence they were seeking to escape.


I get it. When Trump occupied the White House, your administration had just taken office. You needed to focus on consolidating Morena’s electoral victories and replace the old PRI/PAN apparatus with your own new governance infrastructure. You needed to move on the issues of economic inequality and corruption you spotlighted in your campaign. And you needed to accomplish all this while Méxicos oligarchy was rushing to undermine you.


I get it, AMLO. I understand why you would try to avoid a showdown with the US superpower with all this going on. And given the US capacity to severely cripple Mexico’s economy with tariffs and embargoes, I can see why Mexico compromised to the immigration demands of the Trump Administration.


But we’re living in a new day, AMLO, and you have to step up. Raise your voice against the continuing racist US immigration policies.  Support the demands of Mexican civil society and immigrant rights advocates in the US. Press Biden to stop using Title 42 and focus instead on rapidly processing asylum claims. Demand that the US reverse the decision to deport the Haitian immigrants and halt the expulsion of asylum seekers into México.


AMLO, you and Morena continue to enjoy enormous popular support. Youve created a relatively stable governing infrastructure and implemented progressive policies that benefit working class Mexicans. You’ve also pursued a progressive foreign policy. Youve won the strong support of the Mexican people, and now you need to leverage that support. Make clear to the Yanquis that the sovereign nation of México honors human rights.


By speaking out, AMLO, you could very well help stiffen the Biden administration spine  against the racist, anti-immigrant Republicans who continue to advocate for the ethnic cleansing of some 11 million undocumented immigrants, with over half being Mexicano. AMLO, see these gentes as familia, my people, your people, our people. Ya basta!

Bill Gallegos, a veteran Chicano liberation activist, environmental justice leader, and revolutionary socialist, has a lot to howl about.